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Harvest on the Heath

This week sees Harvest on the Heath joining the Hubs!

Harvest on the Heath is a small market garden just outside the village of St. Giles on the Heath, near Launceston. It is owned and run by Lucy and Gareth, two professional horticulturists with a background in botanic gardens and conservation, who love growing and cooking veg. We strongly believe that people should have access to good quality local produce, and we are passionate about growing seasonal fruit and vegetables with low food miles for the community. We grow a range of traditional crops, as well as more unusual edibles for those looking for something a bit different.

Harvest on the Heath Market Garden

Our produce is grown from organic seed and we don’t use chemical pesticides or herbicides. The vegetable beds are mulched with green waste compost, our own compost, and manures from local farms. Using no-dig methods, we strive to grow strong, healthy, resilient and tasty plants. We believe in a holistic approach to growing, creating a mosaic of habitat to encourage a haven for wildlife. The 2.5 acres of land include a native woodland, areas of uncut mixed grasses and wildflowers, native hedgerows, herbaceous borders for pollinators, a juvenile mixed fruit orchard, and a newly planted cider apple orchard. The aim is to turn the majority of grass areas to wildflower meadow in the coming years, in order to provide further food sources for pollinators and our own bees.


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